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Editor and principal contributor:
Edward Stansfeld, ISECOM

Organization of V1.0:
Lorenzo Cavassa, Sicurante.
Pete Herzog, ISECOM
Balwant Rathore, Oissg.

Intern of V1.0:
Marco Clemente, Sicurante

Reviewers of v1.0:
José Pedro Arroyo, Grupo SIA.
Rafael Ausejo, IT Deusto.
Marta Barceló, ISECOM
Ralph Hoefelmeyer, N-Frontier Technology.
Anthony B. Nelson, Estec Systems.
David Pye, Prism Infosec.
Dan Swanson, The Institute of Internal Auditors.

Spanish Translation of v1.0:
Andrés Sclippa,

Reviewers of v1.2:
Gonzalo Lozano, Grupo SIA
Anup Narayanan, First Legion Consulting
Edward Stansfeld, ISECOM